Thursday 21 September 2023

A Seven?

The target was a seven foot plus shark so we headed to an inlet where Paulos thought we stood the best chance - but the water was dirty, weedy and full of sediment - conditions very much against us!

No photo of a monster today - it doesn't always work out! But a little stingray and 6 small sharks, including a sandbar shark (above) and a bonnet head (below) - can't win them all - but we enjoyed trying!


  1. Gotta take the rough with the smooth!

    1. Even a rough day still resulted in seven fish - I can take that!

  2. What a fantastic week's fishing. You have overdosed on hedonism and fish, time to return to the drudgery of our own waters and the lack of available Pibb. Your arms could probably use a rest.

    1. A real fishing overdose - but I don’t get to fish for sharks very often - and I’m very lucky fishing with someone who knows these islands & beaches like the back of his hand. It’ll be a bit of an adjustment going back to barbel and diet coke!
