Saturday, 28 October 2017

Royal Mission

In my quest for new venue double pike I hit The Royalty - I've had quite a few pike from here but never a double. I did loose one about fifteen pound at the net last season - time to put things right...

Well despite walking 9.6 miles back and forth carrying a heavy bucket of livebait I only managed three jacks - the one below convincing me I was hooked up to something much bigger in the fast water.

Still, the excitement when that float shoots under is still the best rush in fishing, really can't complain - and I'll be back for a double!

Friday, 20 October 2017

Five Hundred!

What started seven years ago with rumours of barbel fishing a bus ride away, and rekindled my love of fishing for things other than predators - barbel number 500 is in the bag. It would have been nice if #500 was a double but at 8lb 13oz and a hell of a fight - I'll take it!

Word on the riverbank is they've turned nocturnal, which has made these last ten more difficult as I like daylight fishing. I like to stalk a fish wherever possible, it's nice to spot and target an individual fish - real heart in mouth fishing!

Winter is coming and the barbel are going into hiding, they are leaving the shallows and I'm spotting fewer and fewer fish. The fishing is going to get a lot tougher from here - so I’m glad #500 found the net without a dreaded blank this season.

I also added another four plus chub, number nine, 4lb 3oz above - while I had a barbel resting in the net.

A Brief History

It all started back in September 2010 when Dan and I set out to catch a local barbel, that first season we struggled but eventually had a few splashers, Dan then broke through the three pound mark before I landed a cracking best of 6lb 6oz - we were hooked!

Pike Blog had become Barbel Blog!

The following two seasons we were practically camped out on the riverbank, and after a sharp learning curve we were into the bigger fish, both catching double figure barbel (Dan was first), and our average weight improved to just under seven pounds.

We were on a roll...

My 2013/14 season was written off with work, we did get out a few times - one of which was to be Dan's last trip to the river. I still see him occasionally, we talk about the good old days, he sometimes reads this, and promises to return one day.

Pike Blog returned to pike. And barbel. And all other species!

Since the beginning of the 2014/15 season I’ve mostly fished the river with short (1-3 hour) missions. Bait ‘n’ wait has been replaced with stalking, and specimen hunting with quantity - something to pull my string (although an occasional biggy is rather nice).

A quick trip here and there started to add up... to 500!

And the future; I'd imagine you're expecting me to say 'next target is 1000 barbel' but at this time I have no idea - perhaps? Or perhaps it's a new river, or species, who knows? But five hundred - fantastic! Would never have believed it at the start!

Some Of The Big Girls

Strawberry at 11lb 15oz, caught twice in 2017, initially some confusion over weight - but I'm now sure she was just under twelve.

Stitch in 2016, even though she regularly exceeded double figures this was the heaviest of the three times I’ve caught her, 9lb 14oz.

A scraper double at 10lb 1oz in the summer of 2014, wondered what the winter weight could be but haven’t seen her again.

My personal best - twice! Caught at 11lb 10oz and then a month later at 12lb 4oz in the winter 2013.

The Pig in 2013, I caught The Pig four times between 2011 and 2013 weighing between 9lb 12oz and 11lb 7oz in the photo above.

My first double figure barbel, I had been stuck on 9lb 15oz for so long. Weighed 10lb 6oz back in 2012.

Not included in my count but can't resist posting Dan's first double back in 2011. The Pig at 10lb 2oz - happy - nope - ecstatic!

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Bury Hill'd

Low cloud, drizzle but mild - perfect conditions for an evening zander fishing on Bury Hill. To cut a short story even shorter; I hooked and lost three zeds, best looked about 6-7lb in the spotlight - bugger!

Saved from a blank by a 12oz mini-zander it's time for a bit of a re-think. Bury Hill is expensive, difficult to get to and soon to be season ticket only - we need find some local zeds.

Time to track down my first river zander... to the Thames...

Friday, 13 October 2017

Rampant Rabbit

Another whirlwind trip to the river, the weed is starting to die off - which you’d think would make fish spotting easier but these fish are great at hiding. Sometimes the river looks completely devoid of life.

After a bit of walking I spotted a barbel and soon tempted it to nail a bait, 6lb 0oz. Next fish spotted was the one above, either 6lb 11oz or 7lb 11oz, I got distracted and didn’t write the weight down and now I can’t remember - getting old!

Next one I spotted looked big, a cracking fight and I was convinced I’d bagged a double - until I lifted the net, 9lb 7oz, best of the season so far and she’ll be a double in March. Then I wrapped up proceeding with a couple of splashers - 490 caught, 10 to go!

And why the title of this post? Does he even know what a rampant rabbit is? Well I’ve caught some weird stuff over the years but I think this will take some beating..!

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Jack Boat Joy

It's impossible to take a selfie with a fish in a boat. Fact. That's why you need two anglers in a boat - which is good news for me! We set out to explore another section of The Thames.

It's better to explore the winter fishing grounds now in the clear water - we can see the obvious snags - and if one of us is going to fall in (test a life jacket) I'd rather do it before it gets cold!

A lot of water covered, some interesting spots discovered and a few jack pike for good measure - a lovely afternoon in the sunshine - just need a lottery win to do this full time...

Monday, 9 October 2017

Four Eight Five

I'm really close to cracking 500 local barbel, so I'm putting some quick sessions in before autumn turns to winter. 485 caught, 15 to go, which would take my season total to 95. So I might as well aim for one hundred then - you see how this gets out of hand?

#67-472: 7lb 6oz

#68-473: 8lb 9oz

#74-479: 6lb 15oz

#80-485: 5lb 0oz, what a beauty!

Friday, 6 October 2017

Tidal Predators 1

The quest for a tidal-twenty starts here. Me and James spent the afternoon floating about on the Thames - there is a lot of water to explore and it's easier in clear, bright conditions - but we both really wanted to start the campaign with a fish.

And James was soon into a pike, and not just any pike - a double. An eleven, that's the way to do it. It was a couple more hours of searching before I had a run and after a fantastic fight in the little boat a 8lb 8oz pike was in the net - my first tidal pike.

And the next cast was nailed by my own double, a fighting fit 12lb 9oz pike (top photo). Great stuff; a tidal double each is a great start to the quest. James wrapped up proceedings with a seven and a jack before we went ashore for a well earned pint. We'll be back.

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Lets Go!

So I wanted to go out on Sunday but the conditions looked horrible and I didn't want to blank on the first trip. Yesterday me and James were supposed to hit the Stour but work got in the way for me...

So this afternoon I finally got out on the river, new ground, and we caught - and not only pike - but tidal pike! Report to follow...