Thursday, 25 November 2021

Break Out The Meat

After a few frosty nights I was wondering if the barbel would play - it normally takes them a little while to adjust to a sudden drop in temperature - but would they be able to resist a cube of spam?

It's been nearly 2 weeks since I last wet a line - so I thought I'd risk it. Quick mission and they were very spooky in the clear water - but 3 barbel and a bonus chub slipped up - that'll do nicely!

Friday, 12 November 2021

Alan Turing

After three pike blanks on the bounce I needed something to pull my string - time for a barbel. Much harder going than I thought (time to swap to luncheon meat) but I did manage to bag this beauty.

Some people think I'm just lucky - and what I caught next, floating down the river, might add a bit of weight to their argument...

Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Prospecting II

Back to the new river searching for pike - 2 afternoons - 0 runs - am I looking for a needle in a haystack? Not giving up just yet!

The river was full of baitfish, so I entertained myself catching a few on the livebait gear - bleak, perch, dace, roach...

And one of these! Not sure what it was? Roach/bleak hybrid? Bream? Something else? Answers on a postcard please..!

Thursday, 4 November 2021


A trip to a new river, I'd heard rumors of pike, but how many and what size was a mystery. It was full of bleak - a good start. And although I didn't land a pike I had two runs; the first I failed to connect, the second, a good pike shed the hook in a snag. So even though it's a pain in the arse to get to - I'll be back...

Is anything more exciting than watching a pike float hammer under?