Think it might be easier to catch rubber ducks than barbel! Still tough going on The River Wye - but I'm starting to find a few - and it'll soon be time to start chucking a lure about in search of a rare Wye pike...

He doesn't fish often, but when he does Roger shows me how it's done!

Roderic release the rubber ducks..!
Tue 20th: | 5 chub | 2 hours |
Fri 23rd: | 3 barbel / 1 chub / 1 eel | 1½ hours | Sat 24th: | 2 barbel / 12 chub | 5½ hours |
Sun 25th: | 2 chub | 2½ hours |
Mon 26th: | 3 barbel / 10 chub / 2 eels | 5½ hours |
Tue 27th: | 1 barbel / 9 chub | 2 hours |
Wed 28th: | 1 barbel / 4 chub | 1½ hours |
Nature Table

Slim pickings for the Nature Table this week - but there are plenty of Ground Beetles about (and a few new hawk moth caterpillars).