Saturday, 31 August 2024

Wye Week 10/11

Think it might be easier to catch rubber ducks than barbel! Still tough going on The River Wye - but I'm starting to find a few - and it'll soon be time to start chucking a lure about in search of a rare Wye pike...

He doesn't fish often, but when he does Roger shows me how it's done!

Roderic release the rubber ducks..!

 Tue 20th:5 chub2 hours
 Fri 23rd:3 barbel / 1 chub / 1 eel1½ hours
 Sat 24th:2 barbel / 12 chub5½ hours
 Sun 25th:2 chub2½ hours
 Mon 26th:3 barbel / 10 chub / 2 eels5½ hours
 Tue 27th:1 barbel / 9 chub2 hours
 Wed 28th:1 barbel / 4 chub1½ hours

Nature Table

Slim pickings for the Nature Table this week - but there are plenty of Ground Beetles about (and a few new hawk moth caterpillars).

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Out Chubbing

Well if the barbel won't play I'll just enjoy the chub fishing...

Five hours on the river, in the last of the summer sunshine...

Of course the barbel showed up - three of them...

And ten nice chub...

Biggest barbel so far, 7lb 12oz...

Wye beauties!

Monday, 26 August 2024

Ain’t Easy

Back roaming the riverbank, taking advantage of the extra water (it's running off quickly) - it's really not easy fishing but 12 good chub & 2 barbel - let's hope I've turned a corner on The Wye this season!

Sunday, 25 August 2024

Autumnal Hope

I'm not getting my hopes up - but a quick 1½ hour mission on The Wye resulted in three barbel to 6lb 8oz, plus a chub and an eel. The conditions have turned autumnal and there is a bit of extra water in the river - they have to start feeding at some stage - don't they?

Monday, 19 August 2024

Verna Wilder (3)

Out in the bright sunshine - but the water was cold. On the Small River, floating crust was the method and again barbel were the target - but I couldn't resist stalking out a couple of chub and nearly a couple of small carp (unfortunately one came off at the net).

I wasn't in a rush - plenty of time for butterfly spotting and watching the kingfishers fishing. But when the fish you've been stalking sucks in that bread - time stops and nothing else exists. Nine barbel to 7lb 0oz, 2 chub and a beautiful little common. Followed by a bit of Deadpool!

¼lb, 7lb 0oz, 3½lb, 3lb, 1lb, (chub 3lb, 4lb 0oz), 4lb, (carp 6lb 4oz), 3½lb, 1½lb, 1½lb (5 hours)

Saturday, 17 August 2024

Wye Week 9

The week on The Wye that wasn't - didn't fish it! Instead, straight to the Nature Table and some Elephant Hawk Moth caterpillars - including a green one - fantastic little (quite big) insects.

Friday, 16 August 2024

Devil Warren (2)

Another afternoon on the Small River - plenty of wandering about, plenty of getting stung & plenty of barbel. After a slow start, ten of them to 7lb 6oz - just what the doctor ordered!

3lb, 3lb, 2lb, 7lb 6oz, 5lb, 4lb, 4lb, 1lb, 3lb, 1lb (5 hours)

Thursday, 15 August 2024

Advil Werner (1)

The swims I used to favour are 10 foot deep in nettles - it's like nobody has been here since March - when I last roamed this riverbank. But I'm back on the Small River - oh, how I've missed you.

I'm not breaking into swims - I'm giving the barbel a rest for a year - their location is a secret! But I did briefly pluck a few from their well earned slumber - eight, to a rather pleasent 7lb. Love it!!

7lb 0oz, 5lb 14oz, 5lb 8oz, 4½lb, 1½lb, 3lb, 6lb 7oz, 1½lb (4 hours)

Saturday, 10 August 2024

Wye Week 8

Flogging. A. Dead. Horse.

 Sat 3rd0 perch (1 chub)4 hours
 Mon 5th:2 chub2 hours
 Weds 7th:0 perch (lost pike c4lb)1½ hours

Nature Table #8

Identify the skull #2 - another easy one...

Saturday, 3 August 2024

Wye Week 7

Well it still really hasn't kicked off - spotting barbel - but not catching them. Perhaps I should concentrate on the perch for a while...

 Sat 27th3 barbel / 11 chub / 3 eels8 hours
 Mon 29th:1 chub2 hours
 Tues 30th:0 perch (lost pike c15lb)2 hours
 Fri 2nd Aug:4 chub2 hours

Did loose a pike - water is warm so I rushed it and straightened the hook on the tiny lure - hopefully see her again in the winter...

Nature Table #7

Another river monster - the discarded exuvia from a dragonfly larva (Megatibicen?). Love the clear eye panel!