Friday, 28 October 2022

Back To It

Back to hospital later - but back to the river first - much more fun!

Saturday, 15 October 2022

October Sunshine

The first pike of the season was very nearly a barracuda - until it shed the hook in the surf - especially unlucky as I'd forgotten to de-barb the lure! Who knows - might get another chance...

Friday, 7 October 2022

Doing It Wrong

An afternoon trying to bag some roach - and I think I was doing it wrong... Landing 5 little barbel, 2 chub, a common carp...

And eventually a roach - just the one - but I'm not complaining - nice little bag of fish on the stick 'n' pin and a bit of bread.

Annoyingly my camera or card is playing up - it's taking photos but not saving all of them - need to work out what's broken and fix it.

Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Hospital Barbel

Sometimes, when I have an early appointment, I take the fishing gear with me to the hospital - with the trains on my side it's less than an hour to the riverbank - and hopefully a barbel - or in this case five!

I always travel ultra light - no point taking heavy stuff for a walk. Unhooking mat, weigh sling and boots are in the bag, triangle net with cut-down handle and four piece travel rod - sorted!