Saturday 27 July 2024

Wye Week 6

I quite like these weekly reports, I'll go back and count up fish and hours over my season on The Wye (if I stick with the reports).

 Sunday 21st:5 barbel / 3 chub / 1 eel6 hours
 Monday 22nd:2 barbel / 2 chub / 2 eels2 hours
 Tuesday 23rd:4 chub2 hours
 Thursday 25th:0 perch (1 chub)2 hours
 Friday 26th:1 barbel / 6 chub2 hours

And I really like the fact the barbel have started to feed - bit flaky but getting better! And who said there are no eels in The Wye?

Nature Table #6

I've seen a few Wombles scurrying about - but this one stopped long enough to get a photo - got to love Wombles!

Monday 22 July 2024

Waking Up?

Perhaps the Wye barbel are finally starting to wake up - just in time for Adam's trip, oh, and James' first Wye trip of the season. Five barbel to 7lb 9oz, plus three chub and an eel. And as a bonus I spotted an upper-double pike. Let's hope they keep feeding...

Saturday 20 July 2024

Wye Week 5

Well it's still not going off...

 Sunday 14th:1 barbel / 3 chub / 4 eels5 hours
 Wednesday 17th:6 chub1½ hours

Nature Table #5

Beautiful Brimstone Moth, first one I've seen (I think).

Tiny metallic alien helicopter (Banded Demoiselle).

I can see you (Slow Worm).

Saturday 13 July 2024

Wye Week 4

This is not the new format of the blog, if and when I start catching I'll start blogging session by session again - but only one barbel again this week, still waiting for them to wake up and go on the feed!

 Saturday 6th:1 barbel / 5 chub4 hours
 Sunday 7th:4 chub4 hours
 Thursday 11th:1 chub2 hours

It's got to start happening soon - hasn't it? Still it's great being back on The Wye. Although perhaps I'd have been better off shark fishing with Paulos & Roger (with a 7' 7" lemon on Tuesday, top photo).

Reminding me what they look like, 6lb 0oz.

Plenty of chub, but not the monsters I've seen drifting about.

Nature Table #4

Identify the skull No 1: Starting with an easy one...

Saturday 6 July 2024

Wye Week 3

When are the barbel going to start feeding? Had a small one on Sunday, then lost one about 8lb - then three wallies waded into my swim and that ended that! *Wallies with fishing rods, not anglers!!

 Sunday 30th:1 barbel / 3 chub4 hours
 Thursday 4 July:3 chub1¾ hours

Haven't put much time in this week, 2 evening were rained-off - don't mind fishing in the rain but not when the fish don't want to play... Hopefully head out later before the football - come on barbel!

Nature Table #3

Details were scarce, but back in the 1980's (possibly 90's) a monster Wye pike was caught in Lydbrook - sadly it was killed and eaten and it's head hung on a nail in a woodshed on the riverbank.

I remember the story from when I was a kid - but there's no way I could track it down - and no way it still existed. Well a bit of research, a tiny bit of B&E, and there it was, covered in sawdust and mouse sh*t.

Apparently it was 31lb, 4½ foot long, fisherman unknown. Was this the pike I dreamed of when I was a kid? I put it back on the nail. I have seen a secret video of a Wye 30 caught last year - perhaps this year..?

Sunday 30 June 2024

Wye Week 2

Very slow start on The Wye, fishing (and nature) is behind this season due to the wet, cold start to the year. There are still shad in the river (loads of them, good to see) and the barbel are still spawing.

 Saturday 22nd:0 perch (lure)6 hours
 Tuesday 25th:3 chub / 1 eel2½ hours
 Friday 28th:1 chub2 hours

So as June closes there has been very little to report. Only three barbel landed and no pike spotted since the season opened. The river is alive with fish - so onward and upward (hopefully)...

Nature Table #2

Did find something for the nature table - everyone loves a Slow Worm!

Saturday 22 June 2024

Wye Week 1

I've spent a few hours on The Wye most evenings this week, the target being barbel. And it really hasn't gone off (see below). I'm spotting barbel but I can't tempt them into taking a bait (except 3 on Sunday). And just found out they're still spawning - that'll explain it!

 Sunday 16th:3 barbel / 10 chubAll day
 Monday 17th:4 chub2½ hours
 Tuesday 18th:4 chub2½ hours
 Wednesday 19th:1 chub2½ hours
 Thursday 20th:2 chub2½ hours
 Friday 21st:Beer Time™ Can't remember!

So I'll have to leave the barbel alone for a little while - they are making more barbel after all. I have seen some nice roach, and even a very rare Wye bream - but the new target will have to be perch. Light lure rod and a good wander about is called for!

Nature Table #1

I am going to blog the bits 'n' bobs (nature) I spot/find during my season on The Wye, and I'll kick off with this. The Wye Valley used to be home to a large population of wild easter bunnies - not many left now - but I found this egg - proof that some still exist.

Monday 17 June 2024

Tough Opener

Opening day on The Wye - an early start and it was a lot tougher than I was expecting; the barbel weren't feeding and the chub weren't that bothered either. To cut a long day short, after a few fruitless hours I spotted a shoal of barbel and sat on them until one made a mistake.

Eventually a barbel hit a bait, followed by two more (plus about 10 chub). Two barbel on luncheon meat, one on bread - Wye barbel seem to like bread too! Don't know why there were being so finicky - I'll give them another blast later in the week. We're off!

Best of the day, 6lb 11oz

One of about 10 chub.

Beautiful colours, 6lb 3oz (the third barbel was about 1¾lb).

Saturday 1 June 2024

Pre-Season 2024/25

Another closed season without wetting a line. And after 27 years I've moved out of London - I'm now living a stone's throw from my beloved River Wye!! With the new season almost here, must be time to make a few plans and set a few targets...
  • Catch 20+ River Wye pike
  • Catch 200+ Wye barbel (including a double)
  • And a 3lb+ Wye perch
Great to be back on home turf, lets just hope there are still a few Wye pike left in there, can't wait to get cracking...

Good luck this season bloggers - look forward to reading your exploits.

Thursday 21 March 2024

Season Review 2023/24

Another season in the history books. One that saw a new PB rudd, a new river double barbel, a 120lb stingray and a 20lb pike amoung the highlights. Again barbel featured heavily with 206 fish landed, and only 6 pike, but overall a lot of cracking fish to look back on. So here's the fifteenth season review, written monthly as I went along...

June: I didn't wet a line in the closed season - but the opening morning made up for it - a double figure barbel before 9am! One of 38 Small River barbel in four quick sessions. The other highlight was rudd fishing in the boat with James - love that little boat. And not one, but two 2lb+ rudd to a new PB of 2lb 10oz - monster!

July: I took my Small River barbel total to over 1,500 and added double number 28 (recapture). Floating about in the boat I landed a surprise pike while rudd fishing. And two days on the Wye saw a lot of chub, plus three little barbel. The highlight of the month was a new river, Blackwater, barbel of 8lb 0oz on a tough rainy day.

August: Started with a fantastic trip to the Lake District catching carp from an old iron pit. A few local trips added 30 barbel to my season (Small River total now 96). I spent some time exploring the chalk stream & upper river with the stick 'n' pin - loads of brown trout, plus a 1lb 2oz roach. And I bagged my first 5lb+ chub of the season!

September US: A very much anticipated week-long fishing trip to America. Fishing with Paulos we landed 23 sharks, seven red drum, 3 jacks and a massive stingray on light gear. We also enjoyed a bit of freshwater fishing; catching blue gill & some fantastic bowfin - and those swamp pike (chain pickerel) were absolutely amazing!

September UK: I bumped into blogger Adam from Fishin' Impossible & helped him find his first Small River barbel. Back from the States and off to a private stretch of The Wye with James (who was filming) - seven barbel, including two nines to 9lb 7oz landed. And my first trip to The Severn produced a fantastic 12lb 2oz barbel on a tough day.

October: Autumn was reluctant to land, so a beautiful sunny day on The Itchen chasing grayling with bloggers Keith, Danny & James. An afternoon catching gudgeon on the stick 'n' pin also resulted in 8 mini species, including 2 rare perch & 12 mini barbel. Plus I added another Small River double at 10lb 12oz - SR barbel total now 135.

November: Winter arrived abruptly and with it almost relentless rain - most of the rivers up and down the country were in flood. Only three quick trips to the Small River all month - one of which was a blank! My first barbel blank there in 8 years - it was long overdue!! With the frost starting to bite I need to head out in search of pike next month...

December: A good start with a new river, Rother, pike - not a double but a kype-nosed beauty. Conditions then turned against me but I had high hopes for the Xmas Wye. Christmas Eve saw a blank-saver barbel at 9lb 3oz - then the flood washed down and put an end to the piking! Oh, I finally managed to scrape a win at the annual Xmas fish-off!

January: First session of the year saw another double barbel on the bank, my 30th from the Small River. I had jack pike from The Kennet & The River Rother - still seaching for my new river double. A trip to The Wye for pike and barbel didn't go exactly to plan - but a stunning looking 8lb 13oz barbel saved the trip (no pike!).

February: Started with a few a few trips to the Small River and 25 barbel to 8lb 15oz. The main event was a week on The Wye with Paulos (over from the States). The water conditions were really against us - but perseverance paid off eventually. Just two pike all week - but they were crackers - 20lb 0oz & 17lb 4oz of hard-earned predators!

March: The last 2 weeks of the season. Two trips to the Small River and 9 barbel to 9lb 14oz - taking my Small River total to 185. A trip to The Wye where hopes of one last pike were dashed once again by the floods - a few small chub & barbel saved a blank and took my season total to 206 barbel. Another cracking season - roll on the next one...