I had been up until 2am trying to fix my camera phone (see post below). I couldn't fix it so I set up a new one. Normally this would be a job for daytime, but I had bumped into my mate Dan in the pub and he had suggested going bream fishing in the morning - if I catch one, I want a photo!
So yesterday he turned up at 8am, I dragged myself out of bed and we headed for Kingston. The trains for Kingston were delayed, for how long only the fat controller knew... We headed for Hampton Court instead and fished a spot opposite the palace.
We set up cage feeders with maze based groundbait, with white maggot as hookbait - fishing the same swim means you can get a lot of bait in the water quickly and you can both hear the radio (cricket and grand prix).
I had a bite second cast, and got my bream, 2lb 5oz, fantastic... This was followed by a 9oz roach to me (I filmed it instead of taking a photo - stupid new camera), a small perch for Dan and a small perch to me. Then the action stopped... No more fish all day.

My first bream, 2lb 5oz.
Why the silly title for this post? At about 2pm after 2 bite-less hours, and after a quick visit to the local corner shop, we were sat in the sun, overlooking the palace, drinking beer, eating fizzy sweets and listening to the cricket - there are worse things to be doing...