As a break from pike fishing I joined James and Yannick for a trip down south, chasing grayling on a beautiful little chalk stream.
Initially I struggled to get through the trout, landing about 20 of them to around 5lb throughout the day - great fun but not the target.
After a bit of searching I found a shoal of grayling on a tight bend in the stream. And picked one off, a beautiful
1lb 12oz opener.
Next cast I landed a
1lb 11oz fish before a trout spooked the shoal, time for a wander. And time for a wet afternoon, it poured down.
Fishing on in the rain I ended up with 6 grayling; 1lb 0oz, 1lb 1oz, 1lb 8oz, 1lb 11oz, 1lb 12oz and the best of the day
1lb 14½oz above.
OK, I couldn’t resist a couple of little chalk stream jacks on wobbled sprats - the fish above is pike number 50 this season!
A brilliant day despite the wet afternoon, love exploring this ever changing little river and can’t wait to return.