Monday, 27 February 2023

Pork Crackling

I had pork cracking on Sunday - first time since my surgery - it was fantastic after a nine month wait! I'm putting on weight and gradually returning to full health. Still having the odd follow up scan and check-up, but it's great to be putting this whole thing behind me.

Still continuing with my fishing therapy - something I truely believe helped throughout the entire experience. And still chasing those barbel about - love just wandering about flicking a bit of bread at the fish - and added five barbel and three chub to my season.

Saturday, 18 February 2023

Spring Time?

Spring seems to be springing - well, until the frost kicks in again...

Found a mallard nest with seventeen eggs - that seems like a lot...

And the barbel were on the munch - 9lb 0oz above...

A 6lb 7oz recapture - a long way from where I saw her last...

5lb 12oz, 3lb, 1¾lb & 1½lb - that's 200 from the river this season!

Thursday, 9 February 2023

Quick Trot

It's too cold for barbel, frosty mornings and chilly days. So I thought I'd have a quick blast for a roach or dace. And to cut a long story short I couldn't find any, even in a 'banker' swim - but three barbel were interested - not the target but great fun on the light gear!

Thursday, 2 February 2023

Missing Chub

An afternoon on the small river - 6 weeks left to catch one of the big chub. But once again they've vanished - I did find two smaller ones, including this very distinctive 4lb 3oz fish in the winter sunshine.

Hopefully I'll find them. I did find three barbel - 6lb 11oz, 5lb 15oz and about 4lb - great stuff. If I can find more time I'd like to track down an end of season pike - until then the chub seach continues...