Friday, 28 April 2017

Blogger's Sin

Photos Or It Didn't Happen. Another trip out in search of a PB orfe, I want one over a pound to start me off and a main target weight of 5lb. And I realised I'd committed the blogger's sin and forgotten my camera. Ah well I had my phone.

James opted for a bait and wait, I opted to go stalking - I was soon into fish; crucians, carp and loads of tench but although I could see my target I couldn't tempt one. Eventually James phoned, his method had worked - only one fish but it was an orfe.

I continued catching but after walking miles round and round I went back and found James, he was chatting to a local - I won't mention names - but he recommended I moved a few yards to the left and slightly change my shotting pattern. Boom, 10 minutes later my new PB was in the net, a 3lb 4oz orfe - you can't beat local knowledge!

Luck Of The Devil. No more orfe were spotted so me and James decided to have a fishing match for the last hour and a half before dark. And at half time it was looking like a white wash - 7 tench to me (7 points) to 1 tench to James (1 point).

Then it all went quiet before a shoal of high value crucians (2 points each) arrived in front of James, the final whistle at 8pm revealed a score of 13-10 to James even though he'd caught nearly half as many fish - lucky b*stard - one point per fish next time!!

Orfe photos on James' camera to follow. Added - thanks James.

Friday, 21 April 2017


A trip to Lechlade, home of monster trout, in search of a PB with Steve and Dylan - the target was a double. And we'd managed to find less than ideal conditions; wind, rain and worst of all a daphnia bloom - that was keeping the trout more than busy.

Dylan and Steve started out working nymphs and lures while I wandered about trying to spot a fish in the margins, spotting and bumping two fish, it was looking good - but then the fish stopped moving and disappeared from view.

Just before lunch I spotted a solo rainbow feeding under a overhanging tree, it nailed an orange nymph and after a lacklustre fight the first fish was in the net, a 5lb 3oz new PB rainbow trout - a great start but I knew there was bigger to be caught.

Had they switched back on? We thrashed the water to a foam for the next six hours for just a couple of follows, this was hard work. Eventually Dylan started to get interest in a white lure, before our target nailed it - a good double figure rainbow charged off - unfortunately jumping and landing back on the line, it was gone.

We all switched to white lures and the trout started to show interest - Steve nailing the fish above, after a cracking fight his new PB of 9lb 0oz was in the net. Nice one Steve! Then they disappeared.

A walk around the lake produced my chance, the biggest fish I'd seen all day nailed my lure - but unfortunately it wasn't to be, shedding the hook after a few powerful runs... Ah well, next time!

The day was done and we later learned that only 3 fish (including ours) had been landed all day - so we didn't feel so bad. We headed home, well to the pub, making plans to return - Steve has a nine to beat and me and Dylan want a rematch with our lost doubles...

Monday, 10 April 2017

Hot Spring

A beautiful start to April and I couldn't resist a couple of trips out in the sunshine.

The first was to crucian Mecca Johnson's, no fish but it's the first trip there - and it was great to wet a line and do a bit of exploring.

The second trip was in search of a monster orfe (the target is a five pounder). I did manage a couple about 10-12oz, technically a PB but I'll be back for a bigger one.

But there were a few crucians, carp and loads of tench. Couldn't really get through the tench - which was a lovely problem to have!

No closed season blues for me this year, next I might go and dust off the fly rod...