Monday, 13 January 2025

Snow Melt

Not ideal conditions, fishing in the snow-melt - but at least it wasn't freezing cold! And a herring deadbait lowered into a little slack soon brought a run - convinced I was attached to a twenty - but at 19lb 10oz I'm not complaining! Glad I'm not counting the hours-per-pike though.

Records: 1.3 (falling), 3° (cold/bright), float-ledgered herring.

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Double Dip

The pike fishing is slow - did I mention that before? So thought I'd chuck out a cube of meat as well - see if I can get something to pull the line while I'm waiting! Two barbel and 2 chub, and of course no pike!

Better than a blank - far, far better! Think it might be the way forward this season (when not traveling ultra-light with the lure gear). And while I'm on about lures - a Wye sea trout with eyes bigger than her belly!