Saturday, 30 December 2023

(Non) Frozen VI

Our annual (or perhaps now biannual) trip to The North Pole for the Christmas fish-off - Me, Steve & Dylan - the sixth trip - could this be my year to win? Horrible conditions; windy, raining and worst of all - the trout weren't feeding. It was really hard work!

By midday we'd managed one each - wet through - next fish wins. By about 2pm it was time to quit. Steve & Dyl decided to have a coffee in the lodge before heading home - I thought I'd give it ten more minutes fishing - and a bonus second trout in extra time - finally won one!

 Scorecard 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 -- --
 Brian 1 4 1 0 -- 2 -- 2 -- 10
 Dylan 4 1 2 1 -- 4 -- 1 -- 13
 Steve 2 5 1 1 -- 3 -- 1 -- 13

Friday, 29 December 2023

Anyone For Golf?

A break in the rain, just enough time for a quick round...

Well look at that... A pond...

Fortunately my 7 iron is a fly rod...

Some beautiful little rudd...

And Steve even managed a couple of carp. Golf, yeah right!

Monday, 25 December 2023

Xmas Blank-Saver

All I wanted for Christmas was a Wye pike... and... AND... it didn't happen! Still, water and weather conditions tempted me to give it a go for the afternoon, and it's always lovely to be on The Wye.

I also took some luncheon meat - a few quick bites - ridiculously difficult to hit but eventually I got one - probably the best barbel fight I've ever had (thought I'd foul hooked a big pike).

Merry Christmas bloggers.

Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Chalk Stream Roach

Quick trip to the chalk stream - stick 'n' pin and half a loaf of bread - I could see roach, and chub, and dace...

But the only the trout wanted to play - even trying to avoid them I still managed over a dozen (including this one twice)...

The only non-trout species was this goldfish! Still it was great to be on the winter river - and great to get a bend in the rod!

Saturday, 16 December 2023


New logo designed for Reading & District Angling Association (plus a secondary logo for the RDAA Better Fishing Academy). Featuring a traditional(ish) wood-cut style barbel illustration.

Sunday, 3 December 2023

Beaky Pike

Cold, cold day on the River Rother trying to find my new river double figure pike - didn't crack it this trip, but I did open my account for the season with this freaky looking pike - always brilliant to land a pike!

Never caught one with a head/mouth like this before, although I have seen photos of them. And it did remind me that watching a pike float bob, then sail away is the most exciting thing in fishing!