Autumn has sunk it's teeth in; it's getting a lot colder out there and the water temperature is dropping fast - my thoughts are already turning to pike. Although, perhaps there is time for a few more barbel...
Sat 7th: | 2 barbel / 15 chub / 1 eel | 9 hours |
Sun 8th: | 8 chub | 1¾ hours |
Mon 9th: | 1 barbel / 3 chub | 1½ hours |
Wed 11th: | 6 barbel / 8 chub / 4 eels | 7 hours |
Fri 13th: | 4 chub | 1¾ hours |
Nature Table
These are the pharyngeal teeth of a chub, locared just inside their throat, ideal for chomping up all the crap they eat - and the reason you never put your finger too far into their mouth to retrieve your hook!