Monday, 28 February 2011

The Wye - Photos Added!

Back in London and reunited with my USB thing, so I've added the photos from the weekend to their original blog entries below...


  1. Some great Pikeing there, That water must get more than deep when its in flood, Looks like its flying through,
    Well done,

  2. Thanks for all your comments Paddy, had a great weekend - probably did about 27 hours fishing in three days!

    When it floods it comes up quick and is really fast, but it drops back quickly to, it's almost back to normal now and will probably fish again tomorrow or Wednesday.

    I can't get back to the Wye this season but hopefully Roger will give it another go this week.

  3. Must admit Brian the 20+ you had was a top Pike, Sorry you wont be able to get out again this season, Give you time to sort out all your gear haha, Has Roger got a blog or will he be posting on here if you know what i mean,

  4. Still out fishing, just can't get back to the Wye... Roger's fish will be posted on here (technophobe).
