Sunday 30 June 2024

Wye Week 2

Very slow start on The Wye, fishing (and nature) is behind this season due to the wet, cold start to the year. There are still shad in the river (loads of them, good to see) and the barbel are still spawing.

 Saturday 22nd:0 perch (lure)6 hours
 Tuesday 25th:3 chub / 1 eel2½ hours
 Friday 28th:1 chub2 hours

So as June closes there has been very little to report. Only three barbel landed and no pike spotted since the season opened. The river is alive with fish - so onward and upward (hopefully)...

Nature Table #2

Did find something for the nature table - everyone loves a Slow Worm!


  1. It will all change in a couple of weeks or so Brian, but it's the Autumn that brings the best sport. I rarely 'see' pike in the Wye but, feeder fishing is fraught with their sudden lunges :o)

    1. Just waiting for it to spring to life - I’m seeing barbel and the odd one is getting caught - just need them to get on the feed! Did see two pike in the 2 weeks before the season started; one while just sat by the river, one while bank clearing - but none followed the perch lures :-(

  2. I want you to do every week by number, wonder when you will get bored? Hoping to be on that Wye stretch end of July, just finalising details. So if you can get them feeding please.....

    1. Was planning on it, won’t get bored - love lists and stats me! Hopefully they are starting to come on the feed - had one, lost one last night…

  3. Time is on your side, once it switches on you'll be perfectly positioned to take full advantage which I'm sure will result in many Barbel to 9lb 15ozs...

    1. Just waiting for them to switch on though - already spotted a double!!

    2. Oh really! that's what we want to see :)

    3. Spotting them isn’t the problem, unfortunately they don’t eat anything!
