Monday 17 June 2024

Tough Opener

Opening day on The Wye - an early start and it was a lot tougher than I was expecting; the barbel weren't feeding and the chub weren't that bothered either. To cut a long day short, after a few fruitless hours I spotted a shoal of barbel and sat on them until one made a mistake.

Eventually a barbel hit a bait, followed by two more (plus about 10 chub). Two barbel on luncheon meat, one on bread - Wye barbel seem to like bread too! Don't know why there were being so finicky - I'll give them another blast later in the week. We're off!

Best of the day, 6lb 11oz

One of about 10 chub.

Beautiful colours, 6lb 3oz (the third barbel was about 1¾lb).


  1. Good start Brian. Opening my account on Wednesday, am looking forward to it.

    1. Cheers Adam. I'll look forward to your report on Wednesday.

  2. A flying start Brian. It won't always be so easy but enjoy the ride.

    1. Wasn't as flying as I'd hoped, was aiming for 10 - finding then, it's just a case of getting them to take a bait. But three - I'll take it..!

  3. Better than the small river-1 barbel about 2lb at first light yesterday,then nothing.not much weed about in this area.just spotted some downstream in the shade,so maybe next time.a small group of carp circling,even avoiding bread...

    1. One is better than a blank!! Doesn’t look like the rivers all over the country fished for barbel yesterday - they didn’t like something!

  4. That said,I'm sure you would have had plenty is too hard to do anything but static lately.

    1. Not sure about that - I’ve had most of them shipped down here to The Wye - I thought they’d miss me :-)

  5. Very much so mate! I thought by midday you'd have emptied it. That said, I think the first couple of weeks are always a bit slow on the Barbel front, hopefully by the first/second week of July things pick up.

    1. Yeah I'll keep at it - and let you know when they switch on - then you can pop across and bag up!!

    2. I can't wait! really looking forward to it. That said, when I do decide to pop up I'm sure it will rain uncontrollably before my arrival.

    3. I’m surprised I didn’t cause a tsunami when I turned up!!

  6. Hi hope you are well just wondered if you think the barbel have spawned yet did you see any pre season barbel congregated on the gravel shallows

    1. I'd heard they spawned a couple of weeks before the season started - but now I'm wondering - I can spot them but they won't take a bait. Something is going on, perhaps they are about to spawn now? Would explain my results so far!!
