Saturday, 1 June 2024

Pre-Season 2024/25

Another closed season without wetting a line. And after 27 years I've moved out of London - I'm now living a stone's throw from my beloved River Wye!! With the new season almost here, must be time to make a few plans and set a few targets...
  • Catch 20+ River Wye pike
  • Catch 200+ Wye barbel (including a double)
  • And a 3lb+ Wye perch
Great to be back on home turf, lets just hope there are still a few Wye pike left in there, can't wait to get cracking...

Good luck this season bloggers - look forward to reading your exploits.


  1. Good luck and welcome to the land of potholes. 200 is a big target but if you can find them - happy days. Your double will come in its own time.

    1. You’re not kidding, it’s like driving on the moon! Hope to find the barbel quickly and give them a good go over the summer - before the pike & perch become the main target. Good luck this season.

  2. Fair play Brian, those targets should provide all the angling challenges required over the coming season.
    Tight lines & wet nets,, roll on June 16th!

    1. Hopefully - plus I’m sure I’ll have a go at the chub, roach and carp - any fish swimming about in there basically! Like you said; roll on the 16th - tight lines.

  3. Any particular reason for the move Brian ? Not long now till the new season !!!

    1. I fell out of love with London quite a while ago, so when I split with my girlfriend I thought it was time to spend a season on The Wye. So yeah, a fishing based move really - roll on the season!!

  4. Good for you Brian, Change is as good as a rest! Leave those small river barbel for a while. I have a trip on Wye booked for End of July, so hoping to bag a few myself. Look forward to reading how you get on......

    1. Yeah, I’ll give those Small River barbel a break (but I will be back). I’ll see what is about on ‘The Big River’ - and what bait and tactics they want on The Wye.

  5. Hope the move goes well, Brian. I moved out of London and West to the Wye over 10 years ago now... and I still love it. Ben Hennessy.

    1. Cheers Ben. Don’t know how long I’ll stay, but it would be nice to do a full river season.

  6. Nice to hear Brian, look forward to the wye catch reports! See you on the wye banks later in the year!

    1. Hopefully a bit of pike spotting in the clear water - already seen two, and haven’t spent much time on the river yet. See you on the riverbank.

    2. Excellent, good to hear!

    3. More as I see/catch ‘em. Hopefully!

  7. Simon Ratcliffe20 June 2024 at 06:24

    Good luck to you Brian. I’ll miss bumping into you on the small river bank but at least the barbel will have a rest! Will be down on the Wye a fair bit this season so you never now. Which sections are you fishing?

    1. Cheers Simon. Had to give those Small River barbel a little rest - but I will be back! I can’t really say which sections I’m fishing on the blog - don’t want to get in trouble with the locals - but DM me. Tight lines.
