Friday, 6 October 2023

Lucky Severn

His Barbel Quest took James back to The Severn, I tagged along as I've never fished it before. We headed to a tidal section - a low population of fish, but they were rumoured to be big...

James was trying to add a double to his quest, I just wanted my first Severn barbel. Meat had worked well on The Wye but I wasn't convinced here - so I set up a second rod fishing a 16mm pellet...

To cut a long day short - fishing about 100 yards apart - only one bite between us in 12 hours (48 rod-hours). A barbel fell for the pellet - and what a barbel - it's always better to be lucky than good!!

One bite, one fish - 12lb 2oz - that'll do!

What a way to open my Severn account!!


  1. Replies
    1. Cheers - if you can only catch one - that’s the one to catch!

  2. Amazing, well done. I wonder what James said?? .....

    1. It was a lot tighter swim than the photo suggests, so James couldn’t get down to knock it off with the net! He’ll get one next time - I doubt he’ll invite me :-)

    2. I asked if had packed a wetsuit, to which his answer was no, so I couldn't push him in, so I made him walk home :))))))

    3. Very surprised I wasn’t walking home after this one on top of The Wye fish..!

  3. Maybe James should start tagging along with you! P.s they do like meat,try half a tin on a wire rig next time!

    1. I’ve been on a bit of a roll recently, but these things don’t last long. I’m confident in meat on The Wye, somewhere new I think it’s better to give them a couple of options. I’ll have to go back for further experimentation :-)

  4. My legendary luck is rubbing off on you!

    All jokes aside you owned that trip, kudos geeza. Shame it didn't happen for me but that's life!

    1. New river luck! We’ll have to go back and see if we can do it again (both of us).

  5. Replies
    1. Cheers - not bad for my first Severn fish - looking forward to going back and seeing if I can find more!
