Monday 4 March 2019

Soup And A Frying Pan

Up early. Crack on. Job done. Still daytime. Grab my gear and hack it to the river. Let's try and bag barbel number 80 this season...

I hoped they'd be feeding in this warm weather, just got to find them and present a bait they like - in this case slightly too old spam...

Not a great deal of time but I found fish in the evening sunshine. Top down; 6lb, 8lb 3oz, 9lb 1oz and about 3lb - and fighting fit...

I wished I had more time, it was barbel soup compared to the last few trips but that's 81 barbel this season - job done!

And another item to add to my weird things caught list - a frying pan! Which I actually returned to the river - it was crawling with life!!


  1. Ah yes, the pin and non-stick fishing method.

  2. You said you wanted practice Fry fishing

    1. Ha! Everyone can think of a better title than me!!
