Tuesday 12 March 2019

Fortune Favours The Mad

There was a 100% chance of rain, wind was 20mph with gusts of up to 40mph and it was cold. It would take a seriously mad man to go fishing in this! But I was eight away from a 100 barbel season.

Three and a half hours later I was as wet as an otter's pocket and I couldn't feel my fingers. The water had risen 2 foot and my Fitbit had reported me drowned - but more importantly I'd caught barbel.

Top down; 10lb 3oz (first double of the season), 8lb 3oz (net-breaker recaptured), about 4lb and about 5½lb. So that's 96 barbel this season - one hundred is in sight but it's going to be close!


  1. Lovely fish. Hard win. Barbel in Norfolk are now officially rare as rocking horse poo.

    1. Cheers, daft conditions to be out but the result I wanted. When I think Norfolk I just think pike!

  2. I spent yesterday driving through sunshine, rain, hail and snow. No, I didn't go fishing. You Sir deserve a medal... or a straight jacket.

    1. I think we all know which one of those I deserve! Just waiting on the men in white coats to come and take me away!!
