Wednesday 3 October 2018

Pike Time

Opening day, a new venue and a trip into the unknown - I’d heard there were pike here but didn’t know if they were here in any numbers and had no idea of potential size - exciting stuff...

Time to pack light - just half a dozen of my favourite lures and go for a wander, a quick chuck in likely spots before moving on. Second or third spot I had the jack above, my pike season had started...

The next take was so savage it broke the lure..!

Another jack but they’re really up for a fight...

Mini-pike, good news for the future (unless grandma spots him)...

Best of the day at 9lb 10oz, nearly a new venue double...

And pike number six to round off a fantastic afternoon.


  1. Replies
    1. More than worth it. And loads to learn - really is a trip into the unknown ‘cause nobody fishes it for pike... Perhaps there is a monster lurking about...
