Monday, 27 August 2018

Shark Fishing 2018

Well back in London, looking back on another fantastic adventure. We caught 12 sharks including a 7’ 8” PB lemon shark for Roger, a 7’ 7” PB lemon shark for me & two bull sharks to 6’ 9”, a new species and PB.

It just remains for me to thank Brooke, Paulos and Sammi for their hospitality and Paulos for his exceptional guiding - you’d be forgiven for thinking it’s shark soup here, but it’s Paulos’ years of experience.

Judging from the lawn we’ve had some much needed rain, so it’s probably time to target a local barbel or two and it won’t be long before it is pike time - new lures ready to go...


  1. Sammi says come back......she wants to beat you again......

    It was a great trip, not the easiest time of year to fish for sure but I'm proud of the results. Cant wait to do it again.

    1. Brilliant trip - thanks guys. Can’t wait to get there again! I’ll have to get some practice in, can’t have another 3-0 defeat!!
