Wednesday, 31 January 2018


Anyone lost their rig? Found on the local river - I have done the research and can confirm there are no conger eels, piranha or plesiosaurs in the river... Or was it designed for gudgeon?


  1. That's the Ronnie rig blown then.....

    1. Funny, me and my brother were designing dingle dangles for surf fishing the other night and we ended up with a version just like the Ronnie rig. Even then I don’t think the hooks were as big as this!

    2. That's the Ronnie rig blown then.....

      :o) :o) :o)

  2. sadly,that and much worse, passes for tackle in eastern europe!and you don't think it's cyclists,dog walkers or joggers leaving all those lager cans do you?

    1. Unfortunately it’s not a catch and release rig, and as crude as it is I’m sure it’ll catch the odd fish :-(

      Poaching is a real problem, I’ve noticed the decline in fish stocks - especially chub - since I started fishing the river 8 years ago. And some of the old hands say it was full of chub and now some stretches have been emptied...

    2. But *some* dog walkers bag up their dogs turds and leave them hanging in a tree - what is that all about?

      I think that’s why aliens haven’t landed, they’ve seen humans do that and though “nah, f*ck it”.

  3. i think they're marking their territory,or maybe miss christmas! i wouldn't mind,from what i've heard,chub and barbel don't make great eating! also,why do aliens only seem to abduct hillbillies in america??

    1. A real mystery to a non-dog owner like me, why do the disgusting bit (picking it up) if you’re not going to put it in the bin?

      I’ve heard barbel are pretty horrible to eat and chub are virtually inedible. But I’ve heard of people leaving the river with bags of bleak, that’s a lot of gutting fish for a meal!

  4. At least it's a single hook. I've seen people fishing for pike with the most horrendously inappropriate rigs. And the size of hooks on some of the lures you buy! What is the thinking behind those?

    1. If there were pike in there I’d be more understanding, but the sparse pike and perch population has gone - the last pike was spotted over 3 years ago - but perhaps whoever made this rig didn’t know that.

      The lures are getting better, big lures with reasonable size hooks are available now. I remember buying sea fishing lures and replacing the hooks with small ones which would completely unbalance the action.

      Just think progress is slower in pike fishing development than say carp and barbel.
