Saturday, 25 July 2015

Mission: Roach

I've had my fill of barbel for the time being, so today I grabbed the pin, a loaf of bread and a set of small weight scales and hit the local river in search of roach. I've been after a pound plus fish for a few seasons now and I thought I'd try the spot where I caught the two (unweighed) ones on the opening day.

It wasn't easy fishing and the first hour produced only one bite, the float shot under and I missed. I kept the mashed bread going in and after another 20 minutes I hit bite number two, great fight on light line - I thought it was a chub. And after getting my net tangled up I handed the fish in. A beautiful 1lb 2½oz roach - made my day - made my week!

I could have quit then and there but decided to try and find another, eventually I got them feeding and over the next 2 hours I probably had a dozen or so, no more over a pound but all between 8-14oz, a brilliant morning's fishing. I will be back - but perhaps it's time to crack on with the predator challenge - time for a perch...


  1. Well in mate, so much better than those pesky Barbel!!!

    1. Hope to get a few more over the season, and I'll be looking to beat my PB in the winter - your love of roach is rubbing off on me!

  2. Great work, Brian. 1lb roach are the best fish in my book. Just make me smile!

    1. Cheers Jeff, they are probably the most beautiful fish we have in this country - really want to catch more of them.

      It was a massive smile, just underneath 14lb of facial hair!

  3. I'm planning to spend more time on the small Warwickshire Stour over the winter, I reakon some quality Roach to be had. Nothing quite like roach fishing is there, it's a joy. Nice fish Brian, I'd love one like that.

    1. Thanks Mick. I need to do some more roach fishing, another species on the make time for list. Haven't really got time for work, just need that lottery win!

  4. Cracking morning well in mate

    1. Cheers, can't wait for another crack at them...
