Friday, 10 July 2020

Hell’s Anglers

I should really be on the river, those barbel won’t catch themselves. It’s raining. Work is slow. Time to design some more t-shirts then. I sell about 5-10 t-shirts a week, and with around a 90p profit on each one - it equates to about two pints (when the pubs used to be open).

Still I like the fact people wear them - would be nice to bump into someone I don’t know wearing one of my designs. I occasionally see people on the tube or train playing one of my mobile games (but they’ve been downloaded 70 million times - so far better odds).

New design; large back-print based on the Hell’s Angels logo. Customisable bottom banner for your area/river. I’m deciding if it should have a name tag on the front. Available next week when the first person will try and put “Llandegfedd Reservoir” in the banner!

Edit: On reflection this t-shirt is not going into production. More here.


  1. Brilliant idea - I love it! :)

  2. Rob Olsen, excellent angler and author, once arrived at the Red Lion donning his own version of Hells Anglers T shirt. Of course we all wanted one but he sadly declined on account that a legal department for the Hells Angels movement had issued him with a Cease and Desist notice. He actually said it was a Cease or Demise notice but I wasn't sure if that was hyperbole or genuine.

    Just a heads up ;o)

    1. I’ll check with legal at the printers, should be fine as it’s a parody. If the Hell’s Angels object I’ll pull it - last people I want to upset - might want to join their club one day.

    2. A very wise decision Brian. I doubt they'd have a leg to stand on in court but you may end up with no legs to stand on period.

    3. According to the Hells Angels website and Wikipedia the ‘Death Heads’ (winged skull logos) are the bit that is copyrighted and fearlessly protected - perhaps Rob Olsen’s version included one of these? But I’ll probably leave it - no point pissing off potentially dangerous people.

  3. I've dug the picture out and will send it to you if you like. There's no Death's Head just a gnarly fish.
    Or just leave it, y'know not coz your a feared or nuthin' just don't want to have to show your muscles in public :o)

    1. Yeah, I’d like to see it - [email protected] - I doubted I was the first fisherman to have this idea, I’m sure I won’t be the last.

      My application to join the club faltered at ‘must have a valid driver's license, a motorcycle over 750cc, and have the right combination of personal qualities’ plus it takes 4-6 years to become a full ‘patched’ member - think that would eat into my fishing time.

      Instead I spent the morning redesigning the Jurassic Park logo - Jurassic Pike anyone? (I’ve really done this).

    2. Oooh show me, show me.

      Image pm'd.

    3. Got the photo - thanks - great t-shirt and years before I thought of it! Sent the Jurassic Pike one...

  4. Where are you tops on sale ?

    1. The Hell’s Anglers ones aren’t for sale - the others are on Spreadshirt, link below:

  5. I live in New Orleans and thought about starting a fishing club with the same name. Maybe we could coexist and offer fishermen advice or even take them fishing from across the pond! I lived between s wimbledon and collers wood for awhile and even fly fished the river wandel a bit for tench. Im going to do it either way but maybe we can swap out some t shirts and stuff. Cheers, walt clark

  6. I tattooed alot in england. Croydon, camden locks, bham, leicestershire,dunstable, coventry and even chirk in wales. Loved fishing all those areas. The only thing i love more than tattooing and old motorcycle is fishing

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