Saturday, 25 July 2020

Bugs & Butterflies 5

Common Blue, it’s just butterflies this time.

Small Copper, I’m up to 28 species photographed.

Chalk Hill Blue, what a beauty.

Small Heath, bloody hard to get a photo of these!

Green-Vained White, my full butterfly list is here.


  1. Cracking Brian, no orange tip ? when lockdown started there were loads near me but almost vanished now, a very rare sight.

    1. I remember seeing loads of Orange Tips in a park near me before I started photographing them - there is normally a second batch at the end of August so hopefully I’ll get a photo then. Target is 30 species but it’s getting harder to find new ones now.

    2. Head for woods, fritillaries, white admiral, purple emperor, hairstreaks in the clearings or bridal paths.

      You'll be after 40 in no time ;o)

    3. Would love to see a Purple Emperor or/and a White Admiral. I started by photographing butterflies then going home and Googling what I’d found - now I’m looking for specific species - saw a Purple Hairstreak a few days ago, yet to get a photo...
