Monday, 27 July 2020

Gudgeon Hunt II

The ponds I fish for carp in the summer and pike in the winter are closed to anglers - perhaps for the season. And I'm try to avoid public transport as much as possible - so fishing options are limited.

Fortunately the river is about an hour's walk from home - my route takes me through a park, over some waste ground and across a railway line - so there's often bugs & butterflies to chase about!

I needed to use up the remaining maggots from my crucian trip - so a walk to the river, stick 'n' pin, minimal kit and around 3 hours of fishing once I arrived - and only one target on my mind...

The mighty gudgeon! I fished three swims, about an hour in each - and found gudgeon in all of them - probably a couple of dozen landed along with a few roach and chub. Well worth the walk!


  1. Replies
    1. Quite a few that sort of size - I’m really after something twice as big!

  2. If you ain't got a car, a motorised scooter or surely a pedal bike Brian ? Nice gonk !!

    1. Sold my car years ago - just didn’t need one in London - and a classic MG in Streatham was asking for trouble. I’ve got a bike but to be honest I prefer to walk. Cheers, going to put some gudgeon-time in this season - the target is a 3oz monster!!

  3. They look even more impressive being held in an adults hand.
    Are you sure it's not a record Brian?
    After all these dubious claims of recent times....😏🤥😏🤥😂

    1. That was a new one, getting a child to hold the fish! I rely on the old fashioned method of weighing them :-)

  4. Brian. Are you West London based? I am visiting a friend in Pinner end of August and been looking at where to fish around there.

    1. I'm in South London - quite a long way from Pinner and don't know that area at all. The best thing to do is look at Google Maps for the local canals and streams - most of the canals contain bream & carp and the streams contain barbel, chub and roach - travel light and take polaroids - wander about spotting targets.

    2. Ah ok, Thanks Brian. Yes, been looking on line. Just wanted an insiders knowledge. Will defo fond some places to wet a line.

    3. Just sent you a friend request on Facebook so I can send some more ideas...

  5. Is there an angler that has never dreamed of catching a record gudgeon? They really are great little fish.

    1. My target is a genuine 3oz gudgeon (current best 2.7oz) but yeah I do dream of bumping into that record with the kitchen scales in my bag!
