Thursday, 8 March 2018

Oyster Treble

A challenge I set myself (then forgot about) when I first moved to London over 20 years ago; locate and catch a double figure pike from a canal, stillwater and river within the tube network.

A canal double a few years ago reminded me of the challenge as it followed a stillwater one earlier that year - but an elusive river double wasn't going to be easy, although I have tried a few times.

Armed with my polaroids I scoured the bottom of the river, searching through old bikes and traffic cones looking for a target to aim my freelined deadbait. Then I spotted her. Heart started pounding!

The roach fluttered down in front of her and she eyeballed it for a few minutes before pouncing - then all hell broke loose - before I slipped the net under a beautifully marked pike in great condition.

I'd cracked it, a London 13lb 1oz pike from a river to add to the others from a canal and stillwater. A couple of quick snaps and safely returned - before it was time for a celebratory pint!

Canal pike, 15lb 0oz, May 2015.

Stillwater pike, 11lb 12oz, March 2015.


  1. There it is! Nice to have witnessed two of them.

    1. Net man and photographer on those two as well! Cheers.

  2. thought you'd attatched trebles to your oyster card!
