Tuesday, 6 March 2018


Time is running out of the river season and there are still a few targets I have left on my list, so this morning I was on the riverbank to watch the sun rise - stick and pin in hand.

It took a while to get the fish feeding, eventually they did. Plenty of dace and chub, two roach the best going 1lb 9oz - best of the season. And a 2oz gudgeon - biggest one I've weighed this season.

In fact I debated whether or not to stay, they were on the feed and lack of keepnet wasn't putting them off. But I also had the predator gear and fancied a pike on the way home...

Yeah, what did you think I’d choose..?


  1. Sweet! nice one mate, I'll be out soon for a Pike hopefully!

    1. Might have been different if I’d dragged myself away piking and not caught one. As it turns out I didn’t have to worry.

  2. Replies
    1. Cheers, can’t beat a pike to end the session!

  3. Replies
    1. Cheers, wanted a pound plus river roach before we ran out of season - left it to the last minute but lucked in.

  4. A grand haul. Sadly my river season is all but done. My mate described the Wye as a 'Giant Slushy the colour that shouts blank!'

    1. Cheers. My Dad said something similar about The Wye, but probably not quite as well put!
