Thursday, 7 November 2013

Man Vs Freezer!

Working from home today I thought I'd have a go at getting a few things ready for a pike trip or two - I've missed the first quarter of the pike season already!!!

Line to put on reels, traces to make and the bait freezer... Frozen solid. I wondered if there was anything worth trying to save from last winter, and started chipping away with a knife.

It's now over 5 hours later, nearly there... Next it'll be an expensive trip to the bait shop!


  1. Snowed in? Gosh, looking at that first pic, I thought you'd moved to the Northern Territory in Canada. ;) You'd better oil your reels (and remove the cobwebs), check your lines and sharpen your old rusty hooks. Still remember how it's done? ;)

    1. I think I remember how it's done... How do you tie the hook on?

  2. Alright Mr Roberts, so you do plan to take up fishing again then, thought you had given up for real this time, got a new phone yet?


    1. I'm really missing it... No phone yet - liking not having one!

  3. Replies
    1. Tennis is out now, SPL 2 will be out this year, and the new, new game (the one that is taking my season) is out mid-April... Need to squeeze a few pike trips in between!
