Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Winter Barbel

We've heard there is the odd Wandte barbel still feeding so Dan and myself have hit the river a couple of times, end of last week and this evening trying to find one. The cold weather has killed-off most of the weed, but the river is still very low and clear so we've been targeting some deeper holes.

Session last week where we fished the last couple of hours of daylight, but just a small roach to me and an eel to Dan. So this evening we tried again, a barbel about 5lb lost at the net...

That's enough to keep us coming back...


  1. Unlucky to lose the Barbel at the net mate, But at least you had the fun of the run,

  2. All the fun of the fight, none of the proof of the photo! It was nice to hear that screaming clutch again!

  3. Are there any pike in the Wandle? A silly question in one way as they're almost guaranteed to be there: I think it's better re-phrased as are there any pike worth fishing for? A winter Wandle double might be challenge now you've met the Thames target :)

  4. Think the cold has got the better of us, very hard now. Consistent blanks!

  5. KB - There are only a few in there, the biggest one I've heard of caught was only about 2lb and the only one I've seen was about 6-7lb. I do carry a couple of lures with me, so if I spot one I'll go for it.

    Stu - I think we've found a few, need to refine the set up and bait. Heard 2 nines came out earlier this week... So we'll give it a few more goes!

  6. http://www.wildtrout.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=239&Itemid=278
    I have provided a link to a report done by a fisheries consultant company, It makes for bleak reading, any pike that are in the wandle have been introduced illegally and will only thrive in stretches where bait fish or water fowl are dominant, as the report comments on the impossibilities of migration up river pick your stretch carefully. I would like to add i have lived 5 mins from the wandle in carshalton for many years and have never heard of pike catches, Still I would not rule out there being one in there as some areas scream pike (behind poulters park is where i would try) Would be interested to hear from anyone who has caught/spotted one! I have however seen big barbel in this stretch which again where introduced but this time by the EA. When I was 16 (now 36) I caught an 8lb brown trout at hackbridge, this is the biggest fish I have had from there. The problem with the wandle is the illegal dumping by the companies who back onto it, if i see anything worth reporting whilst walking the dogs I will let you know.

  7. http://www.pikeblog.com/2011/09/exploring.html

    Not a great photo, but you can see the pike in the water, it was much easier to see through polarized glasses - about 6lb.

    One was caught on a worm earlier in the season, I didn't see it but heard of it via a reliable source - about 2lb.

    Pike travel naturally to new waters (even land-locked lakes) as their eggs are stuck together in strands and are sticky. Ducks can easily transport them on their feet.

    Although these fish may have been introduced illegally there is no way to stop them arriving naturally over time. And they will find a natural balance with the other fish in the river.

    I carry a couple of wire traces and soft lures with me, so if I do spot one I'll go my best to get a photo.
