Saturday, 5 March 2011

Back For Barbel

I couldn't resist having a couple of hours after the Wandte barbel last night, so Dan and myself hit the river just before dark. I had a great bite first cast, and managed to miss it. Second cast I had the 2lb 1oz barbel above (my best from the Wandle). I follow this with a 1lb 11oz fish (below) and one about 12oz. Dan's luck just wasn't with him last night, and he didn't see a fish - but I think he's fishing this weekend while I'm away.

It's great fun catching these little barbel, and I will keep going back for more, but we have decided to seek out the bigger Wandte fish. The official river record is 12lb 2oz, caught by Mike Garrett in July 2006 12lb 4oz, caught by Andrew Shaw in September 2008. The unofficial record is a fish just over 14lb and a fish was found dead a couple of years ago weighing just over 15lb. Next season our target is a ten pounder - it's just a case of finding where the bigger fish are - so there will be some internet research and some exploring over the closed season. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha i knew you couldn't resist it for long, You are as bad as me, I had about 2 hrs fishing and had a nice Pike, Seems the short sesions are the best,
    They realy are a great fish,
