Thursday, 8 February 2024

Gone Digital

Having broken my scales on the last trip to The Wye I decided to replace them with their digital cousins. I'll miss watching the needle pull round, but they'll replace my 6/12lb and my 20/40lb scales - one less thing to carry - I've joined the digital age of fishing! Now what to test them on? I couldn't find anything suitable in the house or garden!?!!

Any excuse to go fishing - and James phoned - he was driving past my house on the way to the Small River - perfect! Leapfrogging down the river we both found barbel - I landed seven - mostly 4 or 5 pounders - but then something to test the scales on. A cracking fight in the fast water, before this beauty was in the net - 8lb 15oz

And James' 40 River Challenge is ticking along nicely, river number 24 in the bag with this hard earned, massive Itchen barbel. In case you missed it - the blog post is here.


  1. That might have been a nine on the analogue?!?! nice work lads!!

    1. Good point, I should have tried shaking them!

  2. Scales that stop on 15 should be banned.
    I've used digitals for years but carry my Avons when roving as they are lighter. Beware that low temperatures can affect the readings but this is far less likely to bother me nowadays ;o)

    1. On average one in every sixteen fish you weigh stop on 15 - it’s worse when it’s 9.15 (barbel) or 19.15 (pike). My camera doesn’t like the cold either, they will have to join it in my pocket on cold mornings…

  3. Lovely Barbel that was, absolutely pristine and a fish belonging in the Hants Avon rather than our sh*t tip!

    And cheers for the plug! It was an epic catch.

    1. Was a beauty with its dark winter colours. Thanks for the awkward netting and photo
