Monday, 28 January 2019

Lures, Rules & Surprises

I always used to think lure fishing was just for early season pike - switching to live or deadbaits at the end of November / early December - but this season I’ve mostly stuck with the lures.

For one thing it’s convenient; I don’t have to catch livebait or dig out the deads, my lure kit it always packed and ready to go - when I have enough light left in a day I can just grab the gear and head off.

With a few hours on the clock me and James hit the ponds, leapfrogging our way around - great way to cover the water - and as always in this situation it turned into a bit of a competition!

Rules were slightly unclear - if it was a pike fishing compo I won with 4 pike, if it was just a lure fishing competition it was a draw, James also landing 4 fish - only two of which were pike...

OK, a chub is fair enough, they will eat almost anything - but seriously - who lands a bream fair and square on a lure?!


  1. Utter madness wasn't it! Still can't quite believe it to be honest, not just a Bream either, thee most stunning slab I have had the pleasure of catching!

    I will however stick with the notion that it was a Pike day and you won! If only I could have kept a couple of those others on...

    1. Bream do love a fish snack, as do rudd i'm often told.

    2. Yeah, we lost a few pike between us!

      I’ve seen roach and eels caught fair and square on lures, hear of barbel and carp, and I caught 3 dace in one day on Beetle Spins. Think most fish will eat other fish when they get the chance - but it’s a surprise when you see it!

    3. And it was a stunning bream, I’ll add a link when you blog it.

  2. It was probably confused about the whole Brexit thing. Yes, it's spreading into the natural world, Winter Watch will be discussing starling trade deals and geese are unsure if they'll need visas for the next migration. It's a mess. I feel sorry for that bream.

    1. I’m growing my own carrots to use for livebaits next season :-)

    2. Coincidentally, I was watching the new Nash Euro Banks Video on You Tube last night. They were in a big fresh water aquarium somewhere in Eastern Europe and the guy was feeding small fish (anchovies I think) to a tank full of various species.
      The first to feed and with amazing speed were the bream. At 1hr 3mins.

    3. Might have to try anchovies as bait, there are a lot of bream there but they very rarely get caught - with an abundance of baitfish perhaps they have turned predatory. Cheers.
