Saturday, 24 June 2023

Hidden Gems

Just climb over that fence and through the giant nettles...

Brown trout, chub, roach and...

Gudgeon - now it's a party!!

A beautiful little river common carp...

And Small River barbel number 27 of the season - lovely.


  1. Nice.what happened to barbel 14-26?..

    1. A few around the 4 or 5lb mark, but mostly splashers while targeting the roach - they do love bread! How are you getting on?

    2. I had 13 the first weekend to 9-2,two carp to 11-9.toughing it out on the Thames this weekend,4 to 6lb,eels and a cheeky jack.maggots doing the business.

    3. Good going. There seems to be even more carp in there this season (someone has emptied a lake somewhere). Lost two carp, including a double, just landed that little one. And I need to get myself down to The Thames for a barbel this year - good luck if you’re still out.

  2. Replies
    1. Cheers Adam. Six species - including the first gudgeon of the season, always nice to bag the first gonk!

  3. Just ad the same 9 as last week,50 yards downstream.maggots again.bottom of the tail missing.
