Friday 10 December 2021

Quick Barbel Report (164)

It's really turning into winter out there! And I've got a cold - first one in about 3 years. At least the barbel are still playing; three added to this season's count - plus two bonus chub. Soup time...


  1. Hope you not needing to stick a swab where the sun doesn't shine?!

    1. Did a Covid test - so it’s just a cold - this time.

  2. My cold is a dead mimic of Omicron, but so far about a thousand LFD tests have confirmed it's still a cold

    1. Same - it’s just a full fat cold. Cat loves it though, he hasn’t been off my lap in two days!

  3. Nice one squire, whats up with it's tail??

    1. Yeah, messed up tail - haven’t seen that in a while - hope it’s a one off and not like the pollution before... Just have to keep an eye on them...

    2. Yes a few of them used to have that, Stitch, The Pig, Heart Tail and a couple of 9’s around 2004-2010 also had that same damage, if I’m right in saying it’s a bacteria that has got in through a wound on the tail/fins and then takes hold and looks like that. I don’t think there’s anyway to make it better. Fin rot will settle in over time.

    3. I saw one with it 2 or 3 years ago which had healed on a subsequent recapture a few months later - so hope it will recover. Water quality it supposedly much better now so fingers crossed we won’t be seeing more raggedy barbel - but will keep an eye on it - perhaps carry some antibacterial stuff in case I see it again.
