Monday, 2 December 2019

Characterful Not Fugly

A couple of hours trotting for dace with James, a chub each - but no dace. Then we spotted a beautiful mirror carp - I only had 3lb line, a size 16 hook and the water was fast - but it was too much to resist...

Cracking fight on the light rod / centerpin and as the carp surfaced in front of me James mugged it. Not quite the beauty we were expecting - missing half it’s tail and a nasty sore on her side...

In fairness the side above is the one we could see - feels very strange holding a fish this way round! Bit of a sorry state, but fought hard and went back well, a characterful 11lb 3oz river mirror.

Edit: It’s a carp James has caught before, back in February 2015 she went 13lb 2oz - with minimal damage and an almost complete tail. Gone a bit downhill in 5 years, but they are tough fish in this river!


  1. Almost a nice fish - bloody otters eh? Good to see you are ambidextrous :o)

    1. No otters - I hope. Looks like fin rot, shame - would have been a beauty. Really felt odd holding a fish that way round - fingers all over the place!

  2. looks similar to a 10-13 i had in july,but on close inspection, had more damage and blood,but a full tail.scale pattern slightly different.i used half a bottle of klinik on it.i always do 2x each side.i've never noticed your ant and dec-ism!

    1. I should really carry something to treat them, but so rarely bump into fish in this condition - I’ll look into getting some.

      Always hold fish facing right - started a few years ago so I’d only need to take one photo and still be able to spot recaptures - now if just feels wrong holding them facing left!

  3. Replies
    1. I didn’t used to, it’s become second nature now!
