Thursday, 15 August 2019

Barney Rubble

On the river for the crack of dawn and while the world slept a battle ensued - and a beautiful double was swept up in the net - just hitting the magic mark at 10lb 0oz - well worth the early start!

I also managed two more, both caught on surface fished bread - my first barbel caught off the top (still aiming to get one on the fly when the nettles die back). And back home for breakfast and meddles!

For the records: 10lb 0oz, 5lb & 3lb (71)


  1. Another cracking fish there Brian, I'm having mediocre session after mediocre session at the minute :(

    1. Cheers Mick, I seem to be on a roll at the moment but in fishing it never lasts.

      It’s all swings and roundabouts - the back end of last season was a bit of a shocker for me, loosing every single zander I hooked, several big pike and I lost two canal carp including a mid-twenty right at the net!

      Think my big cat in May turned it all around for me, so I’m sure you’ll soon be back on them - hopefully starting with a big river carp!
