Sunday, 4 October 2015

Alligator Gar

Right, I'm off to the jungle in search of an alligator gar, not sure how much internet access I'll get but hopefully I will add updates on here & my Facebook page... Wish me luck...


  1. You need to go to Texas not the jungle. and wear big gloves, you can't catch pike without bleeding!! these will have your arm off.

    1. I'll just have to do the best I can in the jungle. Gloves, ha - that's what my insurance is for...

  2. Good luck Mr Roberts, the intrepid angler extraordinaire. Catch at least one mate and make it a big one

  3. and don't take your spinning rod!

    1. haha.we're running a book on which species turns it into a 5 piece! is this a devious way of hitting your predator challenge target in one go?

    2. What's your money on, I'll see what I can do :)

  4. Day 1: The cat's in the bag, Amazon Redtail Catfish, Chao Phraya Catfish, Tiger Shovelnose Catfish & Wallagoo Leera. And an Arapaima - that took 3 of us to lift from the water - for good measure!

  5. Day 2: Arapaima before breakfast, a White Gourami and 4 Catfish including a Ripsaw Catfish - which looks exactly like it sounds - looked like it had been designed by Wes Craven!

  6. Day 3: Brace of monster Arapaima; 65kg (on Facebook) and 80kg. And couple of Cats and a much prized Goonch. Saw Alligator Gar but couldn't tempt one.

  7. Well I didn't catch an Alligator Gar - but I'm not complaining! Time to explore a bit more of Thailand...
