Saturday, 1 September 2012

Where Are The Eights?

We managed to fit a few hours in this afternoon, and headed to a spot I've been pre-baiting all week.

On route Dan and I talked about how we haven't seen an eight pounder yet this season. Ten sevens and 7 over 9lb between the three of us. Perhaps it was something to do with the the pollution a few years ago or a few poor spawning years?

So it didn't take long before Dan added one, SB4 fished in shallow water, a cracking fight and a 8lb 8oz barbel, pushing the challenge to over 200lb!

Two great fish in less than 24 hours and I was just the net-man, can't really complain after the week I've had!


  1. Hi,

    Just interested in how you have been pre-baiting for barbel? Basically blanked on Sat all day and tried to bait up a spot but didn't seem to do the trick.

    1. Basically just found a likely looking spot, off the beaten track (hopefully nobody else will disturb it). Then chucked half a tin of sweetcorn in each evening for a week, hoping the barbel would find it and hang around.

      Worked this time, often it doesn't!
