Thursday, 29 December 2022

Wye 22: Missing Pike

Dec 22 (+1.4m) - Blank
Dec 23 (+1.2m) - Blank (chub x4)
Dec 26 (+1.8m) - Blank
Dec 27 (+1.7m) - Blank (chub x3)

Really tough going on The Wye this Christmas; no pike landed, or even seen. Are they just not feeding or are they no longer in there?


  1. Brian - it’s the same picture all up the Wye. I fish a stretch of the middle Wye and they are few and far between. Ironically they are easier to catch in the summer. Whether the declining water quality is anything to do with it, is hard to tell. On the other hand the chub are plentiful and getting bigger with big 6’s now common place.

    1. The more I hear the worse the story seem to get, looks like a river-wide pike decline. I was hoping I was wrong, but it looks like all that pollution (as well as other factors) is having an effect.

      I seemed to find chub wherever I looked and I’ve heard of some of some really big fish caught recently - I’ll be back for some of them in the summer…

  2. You cannot ignore the otter issue. Traditionally, one male otter would have a territory of up to 10 miles of river with two or three females along his range. If you have three holts in one mile, we can assume that this level of population continues and that the river is over populated with the damned things.

    Just one more issue for the Wye to deal with. Either that or you are a crap pike angler ;o)

    1. I’d love it if it was just because I can’t catch them - crap pike angler or on an unlucky streak - but the other anglers are struggling as well. It’s not just me!

      There seems to be far too many otters - combined with the pollution from the chicken farms - it’s not looking good for the pike…

  3. Think they feed on the 21st, 25th and 28th!!

    1. Ha! You might be right - but I doubt it - how unlucky would that be :-)
