Saturday, 23 July 2022


Finally got the biopsy results on the second cancer - and it's negative - thank f*ck!! I don't normally worry about stuff - but over a week waiting for those results was starting to play on my mind!

Started chemo & radiotherapy (on the same day) - not nice at all - and I realise the effects are cumulative. Currently feels like a mild hangover, so I'd better get some fishing in before it gets worse...

An afternoon wandering about on the small river; 24 barbel to about 4lb (but mostly tiny), 8 chub to about 3lb and a surprise roach about a pound - got my money's worth out of that loaf of bread!


  1. That new fish finder you're wired up to looks well smart - is it augmented reality VR or summit?

    Looks like it worked a treat down your local too. Get well MF. :)

    1. Part man, part fish-finder - the ultimate fishing partner. You bring the sandwiches, I’ll find the fish…

      Great fun catching those little barbel on the local, watching them spook the chub away and take the bait.

  2. Lets hope that is does the job and put this saga behind you, plenty more big fish to catch! Time to get the boat watertight and hit the shops for some for a load of bread :)

    1. Yeah, hospital everyday is a drag but better than being an inpatient. Look forward to it being a distant memory.

      And I DREAM of floating about in that little boat; seeing what’s just around that next corner and tracking down those monster rudd!

  3. Replies
    1. Cheers Darren. Hopefully deal with the stuff I’ve got not find any more. Get this over with before pike time…

      Not wishing my summer away but I am looking forward to launching out a deadbait and waiting for that float to bob…

  4. Good news Brian! Great thats not hanging over you.
    Deal with the chemo and radio and you will be worrying those big fish in no time!! Although 24 smaller fish sounds perfect session!

    1. Cheers - Feels like we’re moving in the right direction (plus I’ve had a lot more fishing than I thought I’d get this summer).

      Watching those little barbel moving through the weeds and taking the bait is a lot of fun - it’ll keep me going until I find something bigger!

  5. Wonderful news, and considering your supposed lack of fishing this year, you haven't done too bad have you.
    Head down, plod along a day at a time and those pike will soon be waiting for you.

    1. Really great news, thanks Dave - plus a week on The Wye and 4 local fishing trips - not bad at all!

      Plodding a long (especially as the ani-nausea drugs are doing wonders for my balance) - still time to enjoy a few more summer species, but yeah - pike on my mind!

  6. Such positive news Brian, a big weight off your mind I'm sure, so best of luck with the treatment and recovery matey.

    1. Cheers Mick, one less thing to deal with. Probably have to go and give those gudgeon something to worry about instead :-)

  7. Good stuff Brian, lets hope your back on top form soon.

    1. Thanks Monty - Top form!? Just as long as I’m on the riverbank!!

  8. Thought of you when I saw this Brian, a bit of retail therapy always helps. Mind you, that's a come and buy me estimate ;o)

    1. Mmmm… I think that money will be better spent on bait & lures…

  9. Great to hear Brian! Hope all the rest of the treatment goes well and you're able to still get out fishing for a fix!

    1. Thanks Jack. Treatment will get harder I’ve been warned - but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Had more of a fishing fix this summer than I was expecting - but I’ll keep pushing it it I’m able…
