Thursday, 25 November 2021

Break Out The Meat

After a few frosty nights I was wondering if the barbel would play - it normally takes them a little while to adjust to a sudden drop in temperature - but would they be able to resist a cube of spam?

It's been nearly 2 weeks since I last wet a line - so I thought I'd risk it. Quick mission and they were very spooky in the clear water - but 3 barbel and a bonus chub slipped up - that'll do nicely!


  1. Cracking session! I tend to stop using meat in winter and use cheese paste.

    1. Cheers - it is getting more difficult though, not many spotted. I use bread in the summer and luncheon meat when it gets colder - but I’m not sure they are that fussy!

    2. Depends if they want to make a sandwich!!

    3. That has got to be done!

  2. 3 barbel in these conditions isn’t bad at all, I think it’s time you hunted down those monster Chub that we know are in there. The quest for 7lber!

    1. I’m looking for those big chub (the water is gin-clear) but they have managed another disappearing act - where do they go in winter?

    2. You and I know they have a great habit of disappearing, but they are there somewhere and now there will be 2-4 6lb fish somewhere, need maggots to get them going.

    3. Need to find them to get them going... On it!
