Saturday, 25 September 2021

Wonderful Wye - Day 2

A late morning start and the plan was to sit it out in a couple of swims I'd seen barbel in the day before. Chub were first to find the bait - but soon the chub taps turned into barbel trying to rip the rod in - a perfect day on The Wye in the sunshine!

I watched kingfishers fishing, a big pike striking bleak and landed 6 chub and 9 barbel - I photographed all the barbel - beauitiful bronze and gold with a green sheen. All too soon the day was done - back home for a steak and a bottle of wine with my Mum & Dad.

The barbel soon bullied the chub out of the way.

Barbel number 8 as my Dad watched on from the steep bank.

Last barbel of the afternoon - a 7lb 11oz beauty!


  1. Replies
    1. Favourite river, bagging up against the conditions - and steak! Was a cracker!! :-)

  2. Excellent fishing mate, considering no one is catching it just proves local knowledge is absolutely key in such poor conditions!

    1. According to Facebook the advice is ‘don’t bother’, ‘wait for rain’ or ‘you might pick one up at sunset’. You can either wait for the conditions you want or fish the conditions you’ve got - I’m not good at waiting..!

    2. Got to be in it to win it!!

  3. A cracking session Brian, nice one !! all look in decent nick too.

    1. They look stunning, starting to get their winter shape - and they have lived in about 12 inches of gin-clear water for months - getting a suntan!
