Thursday, 22 April 2021

Bugs & Beasts 2

Species 29, Orange Tip, 14 April 2021. Still want an open wing shot.

Species 30 photographed, Painted Lady, 20 April 2021.

Hard to get - open winged Small White.

Fifteen Adders spotted so far (at least 13 individuals).

Adder photos by James - couldn't get close enough with my camera.

Butterflies: First Sightings 2021 (2)
 Apr 09 Speckled Wood (x3) Fresh
 Apr 09 Holly Blue Fresh
 Apr 14 Orange Tip Fresh
 Apr 20 Painted Lady Fresh


  1. Replies
    1. Cheers. Been chasing those Orange Tips about trying to get an open wing shot - hopefully there will be one on the next post!

  2. I think there is more wildlife in London than in Herefordshire!

    1. Had to move to London to see a stag beetle and I see about 10 foxes every day - so you might be right!
