Friday, 23 October 2020

Double Crust

I'd spotted a couple of little barbel in shallow water and was trying to tempt them up to the surface with some free samples of floating crust - when out of nowhere a big barbel appeared and stared moping them up. I've really fancied catching a double off the surface.

First trot through she sucked in the crust - I struck and ripped the bread and hook out of her mouth - really thought I'd messed up my chance. But there's no suspense on this blog - I put the photo at the top! Second trot down she nailed it again - and I connected.

Cracking fight as she made her way from the shallows to deeper water - a 10lb 9oz barbel off the surface - biggest of the season so far and my 20th double from the river - absolutely delighted! Second of a 10 barbel haul - all for 65p (the price of a Tesco's loaf of bread).



  1. That's it, I'm taking up golf.

    1. He's different Gravy :( look a mint fish too Brian !!!

    2. Had to look that up - it’s just time on the riverbank (and a bit of luck). Love it when they pose for the camera with the dorsal fin up.

  2. Replies
    1. You’re making me look stuff up today :-)

      NOUN - Nonsense, rubbish, foolish talk.

  3. Great fish and a great way to catch them. Well done! I really have fish envy!!

    1. Been at the back of my mind all summer - a double off the top. Nearly fluffed up my chance, but all ends well when you’re peering down at them in the net!
