Thursday 31 October 2019

Missed Me?

I shot down the river - firstly to check it was still there and secondly to see if the fish had missed me! And my timing couldn’t have been better; the barbel were on the feed - fourteen landed to 10lb 11oz. Plus a bonus chub of 4lb 14oz. Had the fish missed me? Hell no!!

For the records: 10lb 11oz, 7lb 8oz, 6lb 2oz, 6lb 1oz, 6lb 0oz, 5lb, 5lb, 4½lb, 4½lb, 4½lb, 4lb, 4lb, 3lb & 2½lb (123)


  1. They were waiting for you! You are the only one bothering them :)))

    Pukka stuff though and that's a lovely Barbel too.

    1. My own private river - that would be nice!!

      But looking at the gauge the river was out of sorts while I was away - and I (uncharacteristically) arrived back just as it was bang-on. Beautiful double was the icing on the cake!
