Sunday, 24 February 2019


Well, we’re starting to run out of season, only 3 weeks left. Very quick mission to the ponds saw me loose a jack and land the one above. Really need a weekend on The Wye before they spawn...


  1. Trying to organise my last trip on the Wye also! Looking like that last weekend before the close...Managed a couple of trips back since Christmas, but only an 18 to note last weekend.

    1. I’ve only managed one Wye jack all season, got to try and get another chance... An eighteen sounds pretty good to me!

    2. Not been an easy year! But yes, was very happy to land that one. I’ve been lucky to catch the water level right a couple of times this winter, but it’s not easy living in London!

    3. Yeah, I’ve struggled to find bigger pike, I’ve lost the two biggest ones I’ve hooked this season. But The Wye keeps dragging me back from London - I really should fish it more often.
