Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Bury Hill'd

Low cloud, drizzle but mild - perfect conditions for an evening zander fishing on Bury Hill. To cut a short story even shorter; I hooked and lost three zeds, best looked about 6-7lb in the spotlight - bugger!

Saved from a blank by a 12oz mini-zander it's time for a bit of a re-think. Bury Hill is expensive, difficult to get to and soon to be season ticket only - we need find some local zeds.

Time to track down my first river zander... to the Thames...


  1. Rubbish, I thought we had worked out how to keep the rascals on!!! Drawing board to be revisited me thinks...

    1. Tough night, if everything hooked had been landed it would have been a cracker - time to revisit those rigs (hopefully not back to the drawing board though).

  2. Replies
    1. I’ve heard they’re in there but that’s going to be hard work, including a dropnet at night. Got a few other options first...
