Monday 22 May 2017

Canal Barbel

Home to muggers, crack-heads, floating corpses and worst of all; joggers - I haven't spent much time on the London canal system. In fact I can count the number of canal fish I've ever caught on two hands; 3 pike, 2 perch, 2 zander and a bream - a total of eight fish!

The Blogger's Challenge ties in nicely with my own Personal Best challenge, I'm not going to drive myself nuts chasing a canal barbel or a stillwater grayling - but I thought I'd have a little canal reccy for a couple of hours - I was on the look out for predators.

I did spot a few pike, the best one being about a pound and a half, some nice carp to mid-twenties and a load of bream - the only fish I was able to tempt, 4lb 7oz above (fish #9). It's a start but I'm hoping to bump into a big pike at some stage, I'll be back...


  1. not forgetting the biggest scourge of the towpath-cyclists.they think it's some new 60mph superhighway.don't forget your taser! psst!broxbourne for canal barbel,tho' technically you could count kennet+avon fish once the season starts,of course!

    1. Yeah, there is no slowing down. The bottom of the canal is littered with old bikes - do people occasionally get fed up with them and push them in?

    2. I ment push them in cyclist and all :-)
